Add & Update Time Entries

The Time tracking API allows you to access and manipulate time entries in similar fashion to using the daily timesheet view. This allows developers to create lightweight clients or widgets to track time beyond directly interacting with Harvest through the web browser.


Parameter Description
ID Time Entry ID
Hours Number of (decimal time) hours tracked in this time entry
Notes Time entry notes
Project-ID Project ID that the time entry is associated with
Spent-At Date of the time entry
Task-ID Task ID that the time entry is associated with
Client-ID Client ID that the time entry is associated with
User-ID User ID that tracked this time entry
Is-Billed true if the time entry has been marked as invoiced, false if uninvoiced
Is-Closed true if the time entry has been approved via Timesheet Approval (no API support), false if un-approved
Timer-Started-At Time (UTC) and date that timer was started (if tracking by duration)
Hours-With-Timer The current amount of time tracked, if timer is running
Hours-Without-Timer The current amount of time tracked, if timer is not running
Started-At Starting timestamp of entry (if tracking time via start and end times)
Ended-At Ending timestamp of entry (if tracking time via start and end times)
Updated-At Time (UTC) and date that entry was last updated
Created-At Time (UTC) and date that entry was created

Creating an entry


HTTP Response: 201 Created

Note: To start a timer, leave the hours parameter blank.

Note: Omit the request wrapper when making this call over JSON.


Example request in Postman


  <notes>Test API support</notes>
  <project_id type="integer">5198193</project_id>
  <task_id type="integer">2892243</task_id>
  <spent_at type="date">Sun, Jan 24 2015</spent_at>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <id type="integer">420934300</id>
        <spent_at type="date">2016-01-24</spent_at>
        <user_id type="integer">508343</user_id>
        <task>Backend Programming</task>
        <hours type="float">3.00</hours>
        <hours_without_timer type="float">3.00</hours_without_timer>
        <notes>Test API support</notes>
        <created_at type="datetime">Wed, 27 Jan 2016 21:52:50 +0000</created_at>
        <updated_at type="datetime">Wed, 27 Jan 2016 21:52:50 +0000</updated_at>

  "notes": "Test API support",
  "hours": 3,
  "project_id": "5198193",
  "task_id": "2892243",
  "spent_at": "2016-1-24"


    "project_id": "5198193",
    "project": "14775",
    "user_id": 508343,
    "spent_at": "2016-01-24",
    "task_id": "2892243",
    "task": "Backend Programming",
    "client": "Apple",
    "id": 420932553,
    "notes": "Test API support",
    "created_at": "2016-01-27T21:49:19Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-01-27T21:49:19Z",
    "hours_without_timer": 3,
    "hours": 3

Note: If your account uses timestamp timers, you may alternatively POST a started_at and ended_at time:

  <notes>Test API support</notes>
  <project_id type="integer">5198193</project_id>
  <task_id type="integer">2892243</task_id>
  <spent_at type="date">Tue, 17 Oct 2015</spent_at>
  "notes": "Test API support",
  "started_at": "8:00am",
  "ended_at": "9:00am",
  "project_id": "5198193",
  "task_id": "2892243",
  "spent_at": "2015-11-24"

Toggling a timer


HTTP Response: 200 OK

Note: If your account uses timesheet timestamps, timers cannot be restarted. Instead, a new timer will be created with the same project, task, and notes and be returned.

Deleting an entry


HTTP Response: 200 OK

Updating an entry


HTTP Response: 200 OK

Note: If your account uses timesheet timestamps, you may alternatively POST a started_at and ended_at times in lieu of hours.


  <notes>New notes.</notes>
  <spent_at type="date">Tue, 17 Oct 2016</spent_at>
  "notes": "New notes.",
  "started_at": "8:00am",
  "ended_at": "9:10am",
  "project_id": "5198193",
  "task_id": "2892243",
  "spent_at": "2015-11-24"

Working with timesheets for other users

An Administrator can add the of_user= {USER_ID} parameter to the URL of any time tracking API call in order to work with the timesheet of another user.{USER_ID}

Working with locked timesheets

Administrators may edit and delete locked time entries. The following fields are considered read-only on locked time entries: project_id, task_id, spent_at.

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