For Server Side Applications

For server-side applications

Harvest uses the Authorization Code flow for server-side authorization.

1. Redirect users to Harvest to authorize their accounts with your application.

GET{client ID}&

To limit access to a single Harvest account, you can specify its web address instead of

2. Get the authorization code when Harvest redirects back to your application. Harvest sends it to your redirect URI as a query parameter.

GET{authorization code}&state=optional-csrf-token

3. Request an access token using the authorization code.

Note: the Content-Type header for this request must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  "code":          "{authorization code from Harvest}",
  "client_id":     "{your application's client ID}",
  "client_secret": "{your application's client secret}",
  "redirect_uri":  "{your application's redirect URI}",
  "grant_type":    "authorization_code"

4. Get the access and refresh tokens from the response.

    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 64799,
    "access_token": "{access token}",
    "refresh_token": "{refresh token}"

5. Use the access token to send authorized requests to the Harvest API.

Note: the Content-Type and Accept headers for this request must be application/json or application/xml.

GET{access token}

6. Request a new access token after 18 hours using the refresh token.

Note: the Content-Type header for this request must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  "refresh_token": "{user's refresh token}",
  "client_id":     "{your application's client ID}",
  "client_secret": "{your application's client secret}",
  "grant_type":    "refresh_token"

7. Get the new tokens from the response.

  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 64799,
  "access_token": "{access token}",
  "refresh_token": "{refresh token}"

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